Category Archives: Family
Redbone Afropuff is Moving – Thank You and Farewell

Dear Readers, I’ve been blogging at Redbone Afropuff & Black GRITS since 2009. It’s been a great run, but as…

Black Father-Daughter Talk

A podcast featuring a 30-something black woman and her dad, talking about life. Click here to listen. (I hadn’t actually made…

A Black Family Memoir from A Different World

Since I see no reason to add to the thousands of think pieces EBONY magazine’s November cover story, “Cosby vs. Cliff,” undoubtedly…

Things I Learned in Girlhood

“There are all boys at Stephanie’s (invented name) house, so you can’t turn up like you do here. You have…

A 1954 Case in Defense of Black Womanhood

Blogger’s note: This post was originally published in the Courier-Journal on Sept. 28, 2014 and edited by Pam Platt. For the…

These are my people, and my people believe in family

Finally felt that affinity with other African people when I was in Tobago. I looked out into the salt water…

My Best Posts of 2013

I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

Food, Family and a Little Conflict for Thanksgiving

Yesterday’s Thanksgiving dinner—or whatever you might call the meal you eat at 3:00 p.m.—surprised me. First, the food was amazing….

What makes me a feminist?

What makes me a feminist? I’ve been thinking about this question since my feminism history class last night. We were…

Am I a (Proud) Southerner?

Am I a “Southerner?” Yesterday’s Talk of the Nation made me want to say, “Yes!” I was in the car…

Breaking Bread Barriers with ‘Soul Food Junkies’

As a child, my weekend breakfast menu was consistent: Aunt Jemimah buttermilk pancakes—with whole milk and margarine in the batter,…

If the Mayans are Right
photo - mayan calendar

  If the Mayans are right*, and the world does end on Dec. 21, 2012—does anyone else wonder if the…

Seeing Sisterhood Change

Many women have felt sorry for me over the years because I have no sisters. (No brothers either, FYI, but…

Pretty Biblical

Sometimes I read posts written as responses to something unusual and esoteric written online and wonder how the respondent found…

At school with the boss’s kids

One day at the grade school That had been ordered To desegregate only, Virginia saw the red clutch bag On…

Paying respect to The Help
photo: my great-aunt in her day work uniform with the children she kept

  I’ve grown up attending wakes and funerals for people of my grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ generations.  At these sad memorials…

A day remembered for someone loved

Like the fun but uneventful classroom parties of my elementary school years, most of the Valentine’s Days in my adult life blur together in one unmemorable picture. All except for one.

From Rosa Lee’s Granddaughter

I’ve invited others to share their stories about their own families, and here is the first guest blogger to take me up on it.

The Abram of Owensboro

Domestic work in Louisville at $8 a week was my great-grandmother’s Broadway. God told her to go, and she went.

Notes on a dying generation

Our collective national history is nothing without the experiences of individuals, and our people are willing to share their stories. asks you to listen for those stories and to share them here.

The one you did for Part 2

Providing dollars for the family isn’t a father’s only responsibility. A girl with no father figure in her life will come in contact with plenty of men who value her talents over her sexuality, but hearing it at home first inspires a certain level of confidence in a girl that will continue throughout her life.

The one you did for

A father’s role – part one

Food for the Soul
my mom, two of my aunts, and one uncle, when they were kids

On Mothers’ Day, I went to my grandmother’s house and forgot to eat. How did I go to grandma’s house and FORGET to eat physical food? I nibbled on some food for my soul instead.

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