Monthly Archives: September 2013
Feminism vs. Humanism: A response to an idealized feminist identity

My first thought after reading Gina Messina-Dysert’s  post, “Feminism vs. Humanism: Continuing to claim a feminist identity” was, “Guess she missed that…

At the Intersection

Coming this Monday, September 23rd, I join National Catholic Reporter as a regular online columnist. My column is called, “At…

How to Be a Black Feminist

I’m taking a class titled “History of U.S. Feminisms,” and I’m taking in an abundance of new information. I declare…

How Lessons from a Baby Shower Could Save the World

A few things I learned at my cousin’s recent baby shower: 1. How to spell “pacifier.” I didn’t realize I…

Living in Love, A Tribute

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love…

How Social Justice Work Keeps You Single

Today is September 1, 2013, so it’s official: it’s been one year since a man asked for my number. To…

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