Category Archives: Science vs. conscience
Living as a Black woman in 2014 still a ‘metaphysical dilemma’ (because of housing and police and SCOTUS)

Update 08/01/2-014: Victory. Read more here. Update 07/22/2014: LMHA is reevaluating. See this article in the Courier-Journal: Update 07/14/2014:…

Her body, his seed, and patriarchal “rights”

I saw a lot of men up in arms on social media yesterday over a New Jersey Superior Court judge’s…

My Best Posts of 2013

I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

What’s Really ‘Wiggy’ about Plan B

I’ve been silent on this issue mainly because I’ve been too busy raising money to update this blog with responses…

Am I a (Proud) Southerner?

Am I a “Southerner?” Yesterday’s Talk of the Nation made me want to say, “Yes!” I was in the car…

Bringing Black Churches into Reproductive Justice

(For the first Faith & Feminism Friday of 2013, I’m a guest contributor on the “Feminism and Religion” blog. The…

Why Race Should Matter to Pro-Choice Activists

  As I progress with subsequent drafts of my book, I’ve been meeting with another writer for accountability and feedback….

An Open Letter to Shonda Rhimes: Bring April’s Sexy Back
Dr. Kepner

    Dear Ms. Rhimes: Most of the time, I love you and you make me regret not sticking it…

God’s Gift of Rape – The Reprise

I’ve already addressed “God’s gift of rape,” but since Indiana republican senate candidate Richard Mourdock has put the phrase back…

God’s gift of rape?

The following is a real* text conversation that took place on February 24, 2012, between me and @Bill1phd, who describes…

WTF is going on in Arizona?

According to the Huffington Post and also reported in the International Business Times, Arizona state legislator Debbie Lesko has drafted…

It’s about women, even when it’s about religion

At a hearing titled “Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion…

Looking for Plan B: An open letter to girls

To a 16-year-old girl who wants to buy Plan B-One over the counter: Someone in the Obama administration you’ve probably…

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