Monthly Archives: December 2012
9 of the Most Memorable Moments for Black Women in 2012

On this last day of 2012, I’m sharing the moments from throughout the year that are most memorable to me…

There’s Something about Mary

I have a problem with obedience—not necessarily the action, but the idea of it. Obedience implies acts done with or…

The Power of Male Teachers

When I heard that all the adults who died in the Sandy Hook massacre last week were women, one of…

If the Mayans are Right
photo - mayan calendar

  If the Mayans are right*, and the world does end on Dec. 21, 2012—does anyone else wonder if the…

Seeing Sisterhood Change

Many women have felt sorry for me over the years because I have no sisters. (No brothers either, FYI, but…

Promoting Inner Black Beauty

  I was going over a long list of possible topics to blog about when I jumped on Twitter to…

Handling Shade with Subtext: a lesson in writing and interracial dating

  As a writer, I love subtext, and Shonda Rhimes does it brilliantly. The genius behind “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Scandal”…

Getting on My Nerves (or why I want to be a fitness inspiration)

I was practically born coordinated. According to my mom, I walked before I crawled, and I tied my shoes at…

Get in the Stirrups and Get Tested

I’m a little late with this, but Saturday, December 1, marked the 25th World AIDS Day. On Monday’s Talk of…

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