Category Archives: Reflections
Redbone Afropuff is Moving – Thank You and Farewell

Dear Readers, I’ve been blogging at Redbone Afropuff & Black GRITS since 2009. It’s been a great run, but as…

Something I Neither Expected nor Sought (Essay 18 of 52)

Author’s Note: If you’re a steady reader of this blog, you know I worry about writing in obscurity forever. It’s…

A Letter to My Students on the Eve of their AP Exams (Essay 16 of 52)

I sent this letter via email to senior high school students I teach in Camden, NJ, earlier this month. If…

When the Pen Tips the Scales (Essay 14 of 52)

My thesis is submitted(!) and now … there’s summer clothing I can’t fit into. Most weeks, I spend more hours…

Holy Week Worries (Essay 12 of 52)

It’s Holy Week, and I’ve been spending it the way I normally do: working, grocery shopping, exercising, traveling among all…

Peace in the Abundance of Choices (Essay 6 of 52)

I spent this past Thursday through Saturday at AWP17, the 50th annual conference of the Association of Writers and Writing…

Next stop: friendship? (Essay 4 of 52)

I know that the Zumba instructor at the main YMCA I go to is studying to be a physical therapist,…

Stagnation or Spinning Out of Control? (Essay 2 out of 52)

I started unpacking at 11:00 pm, almost as soon as I walked through the door. And as the contents of…

Yes, I’m Still Writing (1 out of 52)

Since I’ve been staying in my home town with my mom for the holidays, I’ve had exchanged pleasantries and had…

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