Category Archives: Health
Anti-Blackness and White Blindness: A Tale of Two Sessions at #SFS17

Legal scholar and author Geoffrey Stone delivered the keynote address at the 2017 Woodhull Foundation Sexual Freedom Summit. Entitled, “Sex…

When the Pen Tips the Scales (Essay 14 of 52)

My thesis is submitted(!) and now … there’s summer clothing I can’t fit into. Most weeks, I spend more hours…

Finding a Personal Mission

This summer, I’m finally making time to go through Javacia Harris Bowser’s e-course, “How to Write and Have a Life.”…

Eating Like a Poor Person

  Update 07/19/2014: Since I’ve given up on trying to upload audio for the photo voice project, I’ve decided to…

My Best Posts of 2013

I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

When Healthy Eating is Overwhelming

I could be cooking right now. Or gardening. Or sleeping. Or exercising. Or reading. Or writing something else. But I’m…

The Black Woman’s Disease I Couldn’t Dodge

For this last day of American Heart Month, I present a health story. One year ago, I found out I…

3 Words for 2013

“Make your life an incredible masterpiece.” These were the words of wisdom I found on my “Lift Your Spirits” calendar…

Breaking Bread Barriers with ‘Soul Food Junkies’

As a child, my weekend breakfast menu was consistent: Aunt Jemimah buttermilk pancakes—with whole milk and margarine in the batter,…

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