Monthly Archives: February 2017
We are Writing History (Essay 8 of 52)
dark brown library card catalog

I want everyone to care about stories that aren’t their own, that aren’t necessarily what they think they could relate…

Random Things I Would Ask and Tell Beyoncé If I Knew Her Like That But That I’m Telling You Because (Essay 7 of 52), It Was 70 Degrees Today, I Rode My Bicycle, and That Makes Me Feel Like I Can Write Something That’s Not So Serious

Do you wear a wig around the house, even when you’re by yourself? I do, and I feel conflicted about…

Peace in the Abundance of Choices (Essay 6 of 52)

I spent this past Thursday through Saturday at AWP17, the 50th annual conference of the Association of Writers and Writing…

Writing memoir, rewriting memory (Essay 5 of 52)

Thursday and Friday allegedly are my writing days, and finishing my thesis is taking priority. But these essays are to…

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