Monthly Archives: November 2012
A Victim of Everyday Violence

  The Thanksgiving holiday weekend ended in a tragedy that’s shocked many Louisville residents, again. Cheryl Williamson, 24, was shot…

The Storyteller Makes the Difference

I haven’t seen the new film, “Lincoln,” yet (and with what may be a pinched nerve making it hard to…

Pretty Biblical

Sometimes I read posts written as responses to something unusual and esoteric written online and wonder how the respondent found…

GRITS Living in Red
illustration: electoral map

I’ve been trying to compose something about the election for the past two weeks, but I haven’t had much to…

A Glamorous Humanitarian

First, epic fail on my part for not taking any photos at the “Diana: A Celebration” exhibit at Frazier History…

Tis the Right Season?

The end of the year is near. I know that not just because of the change in seasons or the…

Called to Love in Election 2012

“to be ‘feminist’ in any authentic sense of the term is to want for all people, female and male, liberation…

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