Monthly Archives: October 2012
On The Last Day of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

I said most of what I have to say about intimate partner abuse and the war on women here, but…

Dress Me Up Like This

While it’s fun to be someone else for a day, this Halloween, I hope you’ll join me in thinking about…

God’s Gift of Rape – The Reprise

I’ve already addressed “God’s gift of rape,” but since Indiana republican senate candidate Richard Mourdock has put the phrase back…

Where the Men Never Ended and Could Begin Again Part 2

In part 1, I talked about Hanna Rosin’s book The End of Men and the Rise of Women and suggested that…

Enlisted in the War Against the War on Women

Earlier this week, I moderated a community discussion entitled, “Men Respond to the War on Women.” A panel of male…

Men Respond to the War on Women

Tonight, I have the pleasure of moderating a community discussion about everyone. I’ll be bringing the estrogen to a panel…

My Thing With Things Against Submission

Last Saturday, for the first time ever, I went to a wedding and took notes. I think most single women…

Where the Men Never Ended and Could Begin Again

  In her book, The End of Men, author and The Atlantic editor Hanna Rosin explores how the “mancession” and changing…

The Case of the Disappearing Woman, the Unidentified Poor, and the Returning Blogger

A number of the feminists I follow on Twitter noticed something during the debates last night: women and their rights…

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