“Happiness to the Extreme,” photo by Karthick Makka via Flickr/Creative Commons
I could have had this blog entry completed and posted yesterday, but I chose to spend time I could have been writing to browse Match.com and go out on a date for the first time since September 2012. I chose Match over writing. This was not an easy choice, and I don’t think it’s a choice I’ve ever made before.
The decisions I made on Friday may seem trivial, but they were a microcosm of my life. Match represents the potential for long-lasting love, and though I’m not paid for this blog, writing is my career. Metaphorically, therefore, for one night, I chose to go after love rather than my career. I silenced the little voices that said, “You should be blogging or working on your memoir,†and I abandoned teaching instilled in me long ago by family, media and even churches that espoused that my academic and career ambitions always come first and that the love stuff can wait.
I thought about this teaching as I read Demetria Lucas’s recent article, “Bride’s Story a Cautionary Tale of the Mistakes Some Black Women Make.†In it, the relationship columnist relates her own story to that of Rachel Skiffer, a bride featured in the New York Times. Skiffer took her parents’ advice to pursue her education and career above all and ended up marrying her first love 20 years after she met him at age 19. Following the same wisdom, Lucas got back in touch with “that guy she was crazy about,†but when she did, he was having a baby with someone else.
I’ve faced the explicit choice between pursuing my career and marrying my then-boyfriend only once, and although I’ve questioned my decision, I don’t regret it at all. Also, I’m glad I don’t have a child to support on my salary, so I think my grandmother’s command when I went away to college to “keep your head in those books and away from those boys!†was sage advice.* However, I’ve since realized a few things. 1) Loneliness sucks. 2) “Pursuing your dreams†as a writer tends to leave you feeling pretty under-accomplished and shitty when an abundance of awards and over-achievement have been your measuring stick for more than 30 years. (I’m 33, and I could tie my shoes when I was 2, so that counts as over-achievement.) 3) Having a partner would make my goals as a writer more feasible.
I never considered any of these epiphanies a possibility, and I doubt anyone advising me did, either. But that last one especially has come as a surprise. As I wrote during my #BlogLikeCrazy month, “at this stage in my life, I recognize the importance of practicality in relationships, particularly in a long-term live-in partnership or marriage. Most people think of falling in passionate love; I think of dishes. I think of support. I think of life balance.†I also think of splitting the bills so that maybe a part-time job that allows for more time to write is doable.
And I think of happiness, of how happy I was the few months of my life I was in a good relationship, of how happy I am when I feel like someone is in this solitary profession with me, and how much more productive I am when I’m happy. I don’t believe in looking towards someone else to make yourself happy, but I’m not sure that I can achieve my writing goals without a partner (and because the search for a partner is so time-consuming, I’m not sure how I can achieve my partner goals without always taking time away from writing).
As someone pointed out in the comments section, and as I’ve all but said myself, this is a sexist situation. Men aren’t encouraged to pursue marriage, especially not when they’re young. As a feminist, I can’t imagine advising a daughter to aspire to be a wife, to settle down and have babies quickly or to make romantic love her number one priority, just as I wouldn’t tell a son to marry as early in his twenties as possible. We should be teaching girls and boys to pursue happiness—not pleasure, not material things we’ve been trained to think bring happiness, and not even necessarily romantic feelings that change and fade, but rather to pursue balance and achievement. They should know that the right partner will support their academic and career passions. They should learn that it’s okay to be emotionally invested in another human being, that it’s okay to follow your heart, and that it’s okay to be happy. If I had known any of that, I’m certain I wouldn’t be on Match.com at all.
*I did get some opposing viewpoints, and I’ll be writing about those in an upcoming column for National Catholic Reporter. UPDATE 1/14/2014: It’s published: “Looking for Love the Christian Way Doesn’t Always Lead to Happiness.”

What a powerful and reflexive insight! Happiness also fuels my writing. I can’t piece words together when I’m in a slump, so I relate to the final graf. Great work Mariam!
Thanks, Evette! And thank you for sharing the post on Twitter.
Mariam, I’m not gonna call you Miss Mariam because I consider we are equals, although I am much older than you. Anyway, this is what I say to my granddaughters and to other young women I know. Everybody seems to be happy with this comment “from Grandma.”……”As a woman, you CAN have it all, but maybe not all at the same time.” I know because I have had it all. I am one of the pioneer feminists who, after I read Betty Friedan in my early 30s decided that God would not have given me a brain, if He didn’t want me to use it. By then I was married with a big bunch of children and a husband whom I loved dearly. But there it was, the “problem” with no name. It took me several years to finally go to college and I had a 30 year career in marketing/communication in the businss world. I, like you, am a writer. I must admit that I never went beyond middle management, because I started late. But you are a wonderful writer and have established your career and writing is something you can do forever, and I am. I write for the retirement home newsletter, for which I receive lots of strokes, and am writing vignettes of my family,one of which I submittd to COMMONWEAL magazine. I was also just published in a continuing education anthology. Admittedly, this is NOT at all in your league, but I want to encourage you to meet and marry THE guy when you find him and to have some kids. There is nothing in this world that can equal being loved and married to a man who thinks you are the best thing next to white bread. Yes, lonliness does suck and I miss my man every day, as he died seven years ago. But I have very successful children and I consider them my greatest accomplishments. I applaud you and your career, but I gotta tell you, even it will pale when you hold that first baby in your arms. Feminists, and I am one and so was my husband, also are women and as women, we yearn to be loved, and I think we yearn for babies. Some of the bigtime career women are saying to forfeit this so you can get to the top and that’s their choice. I wonder if they have assessed incorrectly. Recently Barbara Walters, who certainly reached the apex of her career, said that if she could change anything in her life, it would be to have more children. On the other hand, Oprah says she’s glad she didn’t have children. I am just here as a different voice for you, and I know black women come from a different place, but I connected with you and your musings about dating, etc. so I thought I would be a white grandma, even if you didn’t ask me. Sincerely, Lydia