Tag Archives: black love
Why the Time for Pleasure is Now

Like many people, I spent most of Saturday at my computer and on my phone reading and re-tweeting updates about…

Stagnation or Spinning Out of Control? (Essay 2 out of 52)

I started unpacking at 11:00 pm, almost as soon as I walked through the door. And as the contents of…

A Black Family Memoir from A Different World

Since I see no reason to add to the thousands of think pieces EBONY magazine’s November cover story, “Cosby vs. Cliff,” undoubtedly…

Mad at Bill but Still Wishing for Cliff and Claire
Screenshot of a Cosby Show episode featuring Cliff and Claire snuggling on the sofa

“He is guilty of self-confessed crimes against women such that we should break his albums, burn his tapes and scratch…

A 1954 Case in Defense of Black Womanhood

Blogger’s note: This post was originally published in the Courier-Journal on Sept. 28, 2014 and edited by Pam Platt. For the…

These are my people, and my people believe in family

Finally felt that affinity with other African people when I was in Tobago. I looked out into the salt water…

Choosing to Pursue Happiness

I could have had this blog entry completed and posted yesterday, but I chose to spend time I could have…

How Social Justice Work Keeps You Single

Today is September 1, 2013, so it’s official: it’s been one year since a man asked for my number. To…

The Right to Have Standards

“How Promiscuity Is a Form of Self-Mutilation,” the headline read. Since I’m returning to writing a memoir largely about sexuality,…

So Black People Aren’t Sex-Crazed, Baby-Making Machines?

Much has already been discussed about single African Americans’ dating desires based on findings from a poll released earlier this month that showed how black people feel…

Even When It’s Not on ‘The List’

I think Olivia Pope was wrong about herself on last night’s “Scandal.” I don’t think she wants painful love (which…

9 of the Most Memorable Moments for Black Women in 2012

On this last day of 2012, I’m sharing the moments from throughout the year that are most memorable to me…

First Lady Love

I love my First Lady. I was so pumped after watching her speech last night, it took me an extra…

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