Tag Archives: feminism
Tenderness, Masculinity, Femininity and God

I remember attending a Sunday school class several years ago in which the gentleness of God was the topic. I…

The other way Toni Morrison makes me feel bad

I started writing this on a Saturday night after making a to-do list for Sunday that had me wondering, “Why…

My Best Posts of 2013

I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

What makes me a feminist?

What makes me a feminist? I’ve been thinking about this question since my feminism history class last night. We were…

The Dancing Feminist

You know “your jam” instantly. All it takes is the base intro, and no matter where you are, your feet…

No Country (or graduate degree) for Black Feminists

In a few short months, I’ll have to make a very important decision. I’ll have to write a personal statement…

Why I Rise

Today I’m joining what I hope will be billions of women all over the world in celebrating “One Billion Rising,”…

Enlisted in the War Against the War on Women

Earlier this week, I moderated a community discussion entitled, “Men Respond to the War on Women.” A panel of male…

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