Tag Archives: Faith and feminism
Faithfully 2015

Last night, as I was wracking my brain to come up with an end-of-year post that was reflective, inspirational and…

Something New for Easter

My church did Resurrection Sunday differently this year. The Drama Ministry and Choir conducted the whole service, except for the…

I Know I’ve Been Changed

One of the reasons I stopped working on my memoir was because when an agent strongly suggested I adapt my…

Justifying a faith that supports your oppression

This inconsistency between black identity and Christianity’s role in the oppression of black people is something I think all black…

Dance Feminism

I spent a portion of my last day at 33 dancing and thinking about the messages in the dance. On…

Place, race and rooted research

Despite the photos I’m posting on Facebook and Twitter, this trip isn’t all, or even 10%, about the beach. It’s…

At the Intersection: Christianity and feminism need not be mutually exclusive

  I write about my life of “existing in many spaces at once, holding multiple identities and not quite serving…

Her body, his seed, and patriarchal “rights”

I saw a lot of men up in arms on social media yesterday over a New Jersey Superior Court judge’s…

Why Mrs. Carter Will Not Set You Free
Beyonce still from "mine"

I said I wouldn’t write about this because I knew I wouldn’t download the album until after Christmas and my…

What makes me a feminist?

What makes me a feminist? I’ve been thinking about this question since my feminism history class last night. We were…

First Lady Love (The Other First Lady)

  No, not Mellie, even though I am writing this after Scandal. At a housewarming party last week for a…

Pure Black Power

A note about today’s post: I have a bi-weekly column on National Catholic Reporter, and I plan to use these…

Even When It’s Not on ‘The List’

I think Olivia Pope was wrong about herself on last night’s “Scandal.” I don’t think she wants painful love (which…

Bringing Black Churches into Reproductive Justice

(For the first Faith & Feminism Friday of 2013, I’m a guest contributor on the “Feminism and Religion” blog. The…

An Open Letter to Shonda Rhimes: Bring April’s Sexy Back
Dr. Kepner

    Dear Ms. Rhimes: Most of the time, I love you and you make me regret not sticking it…

There’s Something about Mary

I have a problem with obedience—not necessarily the action, but the idea of it. Obedience implies acts done with or…

Pretty Biblical

Sometimes I read posts written as responses to something unusual and esoteric written online and wonder how the respondent found…

Where the Men Never Ended and Could Begin Again Part 2

In part 1, I talked about Hanna Rosin’s book The End of Men and the Rise of Women and suggested that…

My Thing With Things Against Submission

Last Saturday, for the first time ever, I went to a wedding and took notes. I think most single women…

When Christianity and Feminism Don’t Get Along

The following is part of a real text conversation that took place February 2, 2012. ME: Did u know the…

It’s in the GRITS
Bowl of grits

The full name of this blog is Redbone Afropuff & Black GRITS. I generally ignore the part after “and” because…

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