Tag Archives: Christianity
The Ruth-Boaz Myth and the Hard and the Gospel of Sexual Freedom – #SFS17 Day 2

I attended a conference session called, “Defusing the Power of Toxic Religion for Sexual Advocacy,” because I’m writing a memoir…

Storytelling is God’s Work (essay 15 of 52)

I’m a storyteller. By the time my next NCR column is published, I will have successfully completed my thesis and…

Stagnation or Spinning Out of Control? (Essay 2 out of 52)

I started unpacking at 11:00 pm, almost as soon as I walked through the door. And as the contents of…

Slave narratives, respectability politics, black womanhood and choice

You may ask for freedom only if you live above reproach. That was the message to enslaved black people in…

Something New for Easter

My church did Resurrection Sunday differently this year. The Drama Ministry and Choir conducted the whole service, except for the…

Repentance is the answer (when Jesus is the cause)

I’m among the million or so people who have seen NFL player Benjamin Watson’s Facebook post about Ferguson, but in…

Justifying a faith that supports your oppression

This inconsistency between black identity and Christianity’s role in the oppression of black people is something I think all black…

Christians, Africans and Me

At the Emancipation Day parade in Trinidad, something happened that I didn’t expect: Jesus showed up. The truck we had…

Feliz Navidad

This should be a post about masculinity and female sexual expression as observed and/or experienced from the dance floor of…

Place, race and rooted research

Despite the photos I’m posting on Facebook and Twitter, this trip isn’t all, or even 10%, about the beach. It’s…

At the Intersection: Christianity and feminism need not be mutually exclusive

  I write about my life of “existing in many spaces at once, holding multiple identities and not quite serving…

The Jesus in Grandmama’s House
Italian Christ

In “The Comfort of a Sweet, Black, Dreadlocked Jesus,” I recalled the image of Jesus Christ as depicted in a painting…

What makes me a feminist?

What makes me a feminist? I’ve been thinking about this question since my feminism history class last night. We were…

How Well Do Kids Know God?

I watched a video on Facebook today of a little who might have been four or five years old mimicking…

Pure Black Power

A note about today’s post: I have a bi-weekly column on National Catholic Reporter, and I plan to use these…

An Open Letter to Shonda Rhimes: Bring April’s Sexy Back
Dr. Kepner

    Dear Ms. Rhimes: Most of the time, I love you and you make me regret not sticking it…

There’s Something about Mary

I have a problem with obedience—not necessarily the action, but the idea of it. Obedience implies acts done with or…

It’s in the GRITS
Bowl of grits

The full name of this blog is Redbone Afropuff & Black GRITS. I generally ignore the part after “and” because…

Bringing feminism into sexual morality

I stumbled upon the above tweets a few days ago in the timeline of Jonathan Merritt, author of “A Faith…

Contaminating the Pulpit

Disclaimer: The following post is based on information that’s come down a chain. Names have been omitted to protect those…

Is Phil. 4:13 destroying America?

This Op-Ed was published in the Courier-Journal on Aug. 12, 2011, and it can’t be found on the Courier-Journal’s website….

We wouldn’t recognize a Christian if one were president (unedited version)

Based on what we’re used to seeing, whether he’s Muslim or not, President Obama definitely couldn’t be a Christian.

The Sacred Vow

What do black women and Catholic priests have in common?

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