Tag Archives: fathers and daughters
Black Father-Daughter Talk

A podcast featuring a 30-something black woman and her dad, talking about life. Click here to listen. (I hadn’t actually made…

The Right to Have Standards

“How Promiscuity Is a Form of Self-Mutilation,” the headline read. Since I’m returning to writing a memoir largely about sexuality,…

Pretty Biblical

Sometimes I read posts written as responses to something unusual and esoteric written online and wonder how the respondent found…

Maria, Arnold, Divorce and Dads

Maria Shriver’s and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s separation has given me two deep thoughts.  One is about business.  The other is as…

The one you did for Part 2

Providing dollars for the family isn’t a father’s only responsibility. A girl with no father figure in her life will come in contact with plenty of men who value her talents over her sexuality, but hearing it at home first inspires a certain level of confidence in a girl that will continue throughout her life.

The one you did for

A father’s role – part one

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